8 Small Habits to Make You Happier in Life


habits to make you happier, happy family

Life is a circle of happiness and sadness. One day you are happy. The next day, you may be overcome by sadness.

There are many events in everyday life that may bring you unhappiness. But if you let those moments ruin your chances at happiness, then it means you gave up control of your life. As a result, you let external forces and events drive your emotions.

Thus, it’s important to build habits to make you happier.

You need to learn to reclaim the driving seat. Don’t just sit back and wait for happiness. Rather, you should take action to lead a happy life.

You may have some people in your social circle who always seem happy. No matter how challenging their life is, they still seem to find happiness somehow.

Do you want to know how they find the strength to be happy? Then let’s find out how you can adopt the habits of happiness.

8 Habits of Happiness for a Prosperous Life

  1.  Contentment
  2.  Build a Purposeful Life
  3.  It’s Time to Forgive Yourself
  4.  Your Health is Equally Important
  5.  Create a Bucket List
  6.  Make Time for Hobbies
  7.  Learn to Forgive Those Who Wronged You
  8.  Do Good by Others


1.      Contentment

It’s a good thing to aim for better in life. But don’t let your goals stop you from enjoying the blessings you already have. So, be happy with what you have.

Show gratitude to God for his countless blessings. Also, be thankful to the people who help you out in your tough times.

Some of your friends may get good news in their personal lives and careers. Try not to be jealous of them and congratulate them without any ill feelings. Remember that success will come to you with hard work and luck. But meanwhile, enjoy the little things in life.

When you are content with your life, you’d notice it makes you happier. This habit of happiness uplifts your mood and brings positive energy.

habits of happiness, feeling content

2.      Build a Purposeful Life

People who live aimless lives often struggle to find happiness. So, build a purposeful life.

First, you should explore what you want to do in life. After all, you don’t want to be stuck in a job that you don’t enjoy a bit. Now it’s time to work to your full potential.

You should challenge yourself with big goals. For instance, you may want to become a millionaire by the time you hit 35. Or you may want to master a challenging skill such as cooking like a master chef.

It’s good to dream big. But you need determination along with a clear and achievable plan to meet those goals. Trust in yourself and you can achieve almost any goal in life.

Also, focus on spirituality and strengthen your relationship with God to find peace.

3.      It’s Time to Forgive Yourself

Did you commit a mistake? And now you keep mentally beating yourself for your foolishness? This process can ruin your mental peace.

It’s good to accept and remember your mistake. But this doesn’t mean you should hate yourself for a mistake. Otherwise, it would be another mistake and you will enter into a cycle of self-loathing that can ruin your life.

Everyone makes mistakes.

What’s important is to learn from your mistakes and aim not to repeat that mistake. When you forgive yourself, you can grow out of it and come out a better person. That is how you grow and find ultimate happiness.

4.      Your Health is of Utmost Importance

When it comes to happiness, your health is of vital importance. You can’t be happy when you are unhealthy. So, pay attention to your physical, emotional, and mental health.

Physical Health

An active lifestyle keeps you fit. So, exercise more. You can try an exercise routine at home, join a fitness center, or go out for a walk or a jog. While you’re outdoors in a clean atmosphere, practice breathing exercises.

Further, you should take a healthy diet. Add green vegetables and fruits to your diet and improve your health with a nutritious diet. Drinking plenty of water is also important.

Lastly, don’t give up on sleep. Enjoy quality sleep every night for a healthy and happy life.

Mental Health

Take good care of your mental and emotional health. Surround yourself with people that uplift you. This will bring you positive energy. Spend more time with your loved ones and enjoy activities of mutual interest. Also, you can talk to them and share your problems to relieve stress.

Plan a vacation when you can find free time. The plan doesn’t have to be expensive. If you’re on a budget, you can go for a camping retreat for a day or two. Keep it simple and fun!

happy habits, healthy meal

5.      Create a Bucket List

Another one of the happy habits is to create a bucket list and take action to fulfill it. You need a list of activities you want to enjoy at least once in your lifetime.

Are you a thrill seeker? Then you may want to try out activities that can give you an adrenaline rush. So, the list may include bungee jumping, cliff diving, or skydiving.

Or you may simply want to visit a city or a tourist spot you’ve never been to before.

Your bucket list doesn’t have to be fancy. It can be simple such as:

  • Learn to introduce yourself in 10 languages
  • Start a vegetable garden
  • Watch sunrise/sunset by the seaside
  • Participate in a marathon
  • Take up a challenging activity that you’re afraid of
  • Build a handmade gift for your kids
  • Start a side hustle
  • Go on a road trip
  • Enjoy a meal with your partner at a fancy restaurant
  • See a rainbow or a shooting star

Do you have a bucket list? What are the things you want to do?

6.      Make Time for Hobbies

How you spend time impacts your mood. So, it’s best to engage in hobbies that make you happy.

Do you feel it’s a waste of time to enjoy your hobbies and feel guilty for doing so? It’s not uncommon to feel discomfort with engaging in fun activities when you have so much work to do. But don’t worry, this isn’t something you should be ashamed of.

Remember that you don’t have to be productive all the time. Your body and mind need rest and relaxation. So, make time for hobbies that you enjoy. Trust me, you will be happier with these happiness habits!

Leisure activities make your life fulfilling. Further, they give you the energy boost you need to focus on your work or studies. So, engage in meditation and other health hobbies for health and happiness.

7.      Learn to Forgive Those Who Wronged You

You come across some great people throughout your life. These people bring you happiness and add colors to your life. At the same time, some people would hurt you and make you unhappy.

It’s important to accept this fact and learn to let go of unhappy memories.

You need to learn to forgive those who hurt you and wronged you. Holding onto a grudge affects your peace of mind.

So, let go of this unnecessary burden and forgive them instead. You don’t need revenge to feel better. Rather, you will feel much happier if you choose to forgive them and move on.

When it’s difficult to do so, consider their circumstances. The task may get easier when you empathize with them.

8.      Do Good by Others

Building a better and healthier lifestyle brings you happiness. But what makes you the happiest is when you help out others.

volunteers, food donation drive

Look around and you may notice people who need your help. And you don’t need to be a millionaire to help them. You can donate a small sum or items you don’t need to charity. Or give a hand to your friends or neighbors in doing yard work. Your little effort can make their work easier and bring you ultimate joy.

Volunteering is also a good use of your time. You can volunteer with food banks, Salvation Army, wildlife preservation organizations, and disaster relief organizations.

Further, try not to hurt others with your actions or words. Give out a compliment to people around you. Your simple words can make their day and make you happier as well.



Do you want some entertainment? Then check out these 6 movies about happiness. You will find them interesting!

  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
  • Billy Elliott
  • The Bucket List
  • Toni Erdmann
  • After Life (1998)
  • The Pursuit of Happyness

Happiness isn’t something you find, but rather something that you create. Being happy is a choice. So, develop habits to make you happier that improve your health and personality. Not only will this make you happy but you can also bring joy to the lives of the people you love.



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