Our Trip to Playa del Carmen, Mexico


I recently returned from a weekend getaway to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. Needless to say, I am ready to go back. Being locked inside during a pandemic for 6 months will have you as antsy as a bed bug.

We searched Travelocity to find a quick and easy getaway. With all due respect to the coronavirus, we (my wife and I) packed up as many masks as we could pack. And we caught a flight real quick.

New to it and now true to it, masked up, and let’s do this!

The trip was a simple two-hour flight. So, it was straight through with no layovers. We parked at the normal super busy DFW international airport. With our luck, there was a small line for baggage check. Also, there were no lines for security. So, we booked with Spirit Airlines. And after an hour of waiting, they called us to board our flight.

Playa del Carmen Trip

When We Landed There!

While reading Kevin Hart’s book, ‘I Can’t Make This Up’, I awaited my landing. Finally, we landed in Mexico. Due to my broken Texan-Spanish speaking skills, my wife forewarned me to speak English only. We couldn’t help but remember the time we were in Costa Rica and I ordered shrimp tacos instead of the chicken fajitas I intended to order, by speaking Spanish.

Either way, I was in Cancun Mexico now, ready to relax. I didn’t need to speak to anyone anyways. This trip was all-inclusive.

Exiting the plane, I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many hustlers in my life. Not all at once hustling for the same thing  They were hustling not only for my attention but for every tourist there. And I fell for it.

I’m used to being sold timeshares on vacations. But here, they trick you. It’s like they are really trying to assist you with your tourism and get you the information. Then BOOM!

Can you take the time out to visit our resort, sir? I suppose I was caught off guard because I wouldn’t think the Datgum (southern slang) airport would allow for that type of onslaught.

Unfazed, I found the driver with the big sign with my name and jumped in the van.

Our Stay At the Ocean Maya Royale in Cancun

Arrival at our resort was grand. The resort staff treated us like royalty, as they carried our bags and helped us check in. A nice little lady paid special attention to me, asking me a variety of questions. Where I am from, what I do, and if it was my first time in Mexico. Then she offered to bring me a drink. Awesome, let’s do that, I told her.

As she kept us occupied with small talk, she allowed more tourists to sit down and check in. Then after my drink was gone, she hit me with the salesmanship. She wanted to know if I could tour a brand-new resort first thing in the morning. I would receive my choice of $100 or a free massage. Of course, I agreed because I wanted to start my hassle-free getaway.

Things to Do in Playa Del Carmen

  1. Xcaret- Water and Amusement Park
  2. Rio Secreto- Nature & Parks
  3. Cenote Chaak Tun – Nature & Parks
  4. Quinta Avenida – Sights and Landmarks
  5. Kool Beach Club – Outdoor Activities
  6. 3D Museum of Wonders
  7. Xenses Park by Xcaret
  8. Ultramar Ferry – Transportation
  9. Parque Los Fundadores
  10. Chikin Ha – Nature & Parks

All in all, it was a fun trip. Can’t wait to plan our next vacation!


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