Is Your Smartphone Secure from Hackers?


does my phone have a virus, check phone for malware

Smartphones have become an essential part of our lives. Want to check emails? Stay connected with your friends and professional connections? Take notes in lectures or set reminders about important events? Get information about any topic via the internet? Your phone is your go-to option!

Due to the importance of your smartphone, it’s natural to worry about its safety. You may wonder, “does my phone have a virus”? Also, you may be concerned about hackers taking control of your device and stealing confidential information.

So, it’s important to know how to keep your phone safe from hackers.

It’s a smart idea to install a reliable antimalware tool at the earliest after getting a new phone. But if you don’t use one, your smart device can get infected.

Do you have suspicions that your smartphone is infected with a virus? Then here’s how you can check phone for malware:

Slow Phone Speed

Whether you’re an iPhone user or have an Android set, your phone performance slows down with time. The older the phone, the slower it may get.

But when there’s a virus attack, your phone’s speed slows down all of a sudden. You may notice it takes longer to load apps or webpages. There may be system lags and the performance isn’t up to par. And it may not go away even when you delete junk and unwanted apps.

Unfamiliar Notifications

A tell-tale sign of malware is unknown apps and pop-ups.

Certain system apps run in the background to provide the required functionality. But sometimes, you may notice the names of unknown apps in the notification bar. Also, when you check system settings, you may see the apps that you didn’t install.

This happens when you accidentally download a malicious app or visit an unsafe website. The malicious website or app installs unwanted apps on your phone to transfer control of your device to hackers.

So, keep an eye on the notification bar and monitor the list of installed apps in the Settings menu.

Signal Distortion

When there’s a malware attack, your phone network may experience interference. When you make a phone call, you may hear strange noises. Also, there may be connection problems and phone calls may get dropped unexpectedly.

Do you face this problem? Then check other devices connected to your Wi-Fi connection. If none of them has this issue, then get your phone inspected by a cybersecurity expert.

how to keep your phone safe from hackers, man holding a phone

Battery Drains Faster

Your phone is capable of performing several tasks. Battery consumption may vary depending on the number of apps on your phone. Also, if you frequently use the internet or heavy apps, then battery consumption would be higher.

Phone batteries degrade over time. But it’s a warning sign if your phone battery starts draining faster without any reason. This is when you should ask, does my phone have a virus?

This may indicate your phone is hijacked. Since malware is running in the background, it consumes more battery power than normal usage.

Increased Mobile Data Usage

Another warning sign of malware is the increase in data usage.

Your internet usage tends to increase due to malware. When a virus infects your phone, it uses the internet to send phone data to hackers. For this purpose, it consumes more internet MBs.

So, check your phone data and Wi-Fi consumption every month. If something seems off, take quick action. Your proactive approach can protect you from losing important data to hackers.

Frequent System Crashes

Malware is often the reason why there are frequent app crashes. Your phone may suddenly stop working. When you try to swipe the screen or click buttons, nothing may work. Similarly, apps may stop working and crash without a reason.

Phone Overheating Problem

Your phone may not normally get heated when you use it. A few graphics-heavy apps can cause the processor to work harder which causes the phone to get a little hot. But if your phone often gets overheated, it’s a critical issue.

Overheating problem isn’t good for your device. It affects the device’s health and performance. Further, it creates the risk of catching fire and exploding.

A major reason for the phone overheating problem is malware. With malware affecting your phone, it may get overheated. It may get extra hot even when the phone isn’t in use.


Protect Your Phone from Hackers

There’s a new cyberattack every 39 seconds. And 60% of frauds and cyberattacks originate from cellphones.

Your smartphone connects you to the digital world. So, you may store important documents and personal pictures or videos on your device. Losing its control to hackers due to malware can ruin your mental peace.

So, take precautions to protect your phone. Use a trusted antimalware tool and be careful when accessing the internet. Keep your apps up-to-date and set strong passwords for online accounts. Also, look out for the above-mentioned warning signs and consult a specialist if you believe your phone has a virus.

Don’t ignore phone safety and be proactive to keep your phone secure.



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