How to Be More Mindful in Your Everyday Life


how to be more mindful, how to be more mindful throughout the day

The human brain keeps working 24/7; even when you’re sleeping. So, it is full of thoughts and ideas and can wander around thinking about the past or future. But the key to making good use of brain capacity is to focus on your present. So, it’s important to ask how to be more mindful in your daily life.

Mindfulness simply refers to being present in the moment. This means you are well aware of the events happening around you and can understand them better.

While it’s an internal feeling, you can become more mindful through practice. Through mindfulness exercises, you can train your mind to stay focused on the present moment. Not analyzing everything and coming up with possible scenarios or thinking about the past – just pay attention to what’s happening around you.

Before we explain how you can be more mindful throughout the day, let’s explore the main benefits of cultivating mindfulness.

  • Lower stress levels
  • Motivation
  • Stronger feelings of happiness and patience
  • Enhanced performance at work
  • Increased positivity and better overall health

healthy person, happy woman

How to Be More Mindful Throughout the Day

Mindfulness is a positive state of mind with which you can focus on present moments to improve your lifestyle. You may think the only way to cultivate mindfulness is through meditation, but it’s not completely true. While meditation can certainly help you with this, there are multiple ways to build mindfulness throughout the day.

Ready to learn how to be more mindful throughout the day? Then these practical tips will serve the purpose:

Build Healthy Habits

Build a good sleep routine to enjoy quality sleep. Try to go to bed early every night at a fixed time. This will help you develop a healthy habit. And when you wake up, engage in stretching exercises after making your bed to energize your body.

Breathing exercises and a walk outside in nature can also uplift your mind and help you become more mindful.

Clearly Define Your Daily Goals

It’s a good idea to define your 3 main goals for the day. Or you can create a daily to-do list to specify which tasks you want to achieve during the day. This applies to your personal as well as professional life.

Embrace Your Emotions

You can’t be happy all the time. Negative emotions are inevitable. So, accept that feelings of sorrow, anger, frustration, and disappointment are a part of life. You can’t stop these emotions.

What’s more important is to learn how to better manage such negative emotions. Accept your feelings and find a way to go about your day with these. When you engage in your daily routine without ignoring your emotions, you can better deal with such negative feelings.

emotions, choose to be happy

Practice Mindfulness

Be aware of your thoughts. It is common for the human mind to drift back to past memories or start daydreaming about the future. When this happens, gently drive your thoughts away and focus on what’s currently going on around you.

Reflect On Your Day

Before going to bed, make sure you reflect on your daily activities. Think about an achievement for the day or when you were able to successfully practice mindfulness. Don’t forget to celebrate your small achievements. As a result, you will be more motivated the next day to achieve your bigger goals.

Mindfulness at Work

Only 20% of the US workforce feels passionate about their current job.

People tend to spend most of their waking hours on the job – whether it’s in-office or remote. But working such long hours doesn’t always guarantee maximum productivity.

An important method to increase productivity is to become more mindful at work. With undivided attention and focus, you can get better results and increase your work efficiency. So, let’s find out how to act more mindful when you’re working.

Practice Active Listening

Don’t listen just to respond; listen to understand.

When your colleagues or superiors are talking, you may listen with the intention to start talking as soon as they finish. As a result, you may fail to understand what they are saying and miss important information. This is why you need to practice active listening.

Instead of waiting for your turn and mindlessly nodding, pay attention to them. Also, listen with an open mind.

be an active listener, practice active listening

Find Purpose in Your Job

Losing attention is easy when you have no interest in the tasks you’re working on. So, find purpose in what you do for a living.

Think about the reasons why you applied for this job and how you’re making an impact. When having a stressful day and struggling to remain focused, recall those reasons. Then you’ll find it easier to be mindful at work.

Keep Distractions Away

Do you know what is the major distraction for many people? It’s your smartphone. It isn’t easy to ignore the temptation of checking your phone every now and then. So, you should put it away when working on important tasks. Or you can activate the silent mode until you finish due tasks.

Similarly, if you work on a computer, it can be a good idea to turn off email and social media notifications for the time being.

Don’t Skip Lunch Breaks

It’s quite common for business employees to give up their lunch breaks to work on job-related tasks. But this practice does more harm than good. So, utilize your lunch breaks and take healthy meals while you’re at it.

Aside from lunch breaks, take short breaks every hour or two. During these breaks, take deep breaths, stretch, drink water, and then get back to your desk with a fresh mind.

Also, you can try out minute-long meditation sessions twice a day. Look into guided meditation to make meditation sessions more fruitful.

Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking can be a killer of productivity. You may believe it can help you finish multiple tasks simultaneously. But actually, it affects your focus and makes it difficult to give your best performance on the tasks at hand.

Instead, take up a single task at a time. Then move on to the next one once you’re done.

multitasking, how to avoid multitasking

Use Commute to Your Advantage

When going back home from work, unwind through mindfulness. Keep your phone or audiobooks away and focus on your surroundings.

When working from home, practice mindfulness for 15-30 minutes after your workday. You can go for a walk, relax in your yard/lawn, or talk to your family for this purpose.

Ways to Be More Mindful in Personal Relationships

Promote open communication.

Don’t let anger take over your love and respect for each other. For instance, after an argument, negative feelings may drive you to exaggerate. So, you may complain to your partner that they NEVER care about you. These seemingly small things can blow up and hurt your relationship.

Instead, talk about your emotions as well as the events that led to the argument. With this clear approach, you can build a healthy and lasting relationship.

Also, listen to each other with patience and give the other person a chance to voice out their feelings. When they are talking, be empathetic and try to understand their point of view. This compassion and understanding can have positive effects on your relationship in the long run.

healthy relationship, happy couple


Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can drive you to lead a better life. Whether it’s your work, education, or personal relationship, it can greatly improve all aspects of your life. This is why it’s important to know how to be more mindful in your routine life.

You should train your mind to focus on your surroundings instead of thinking about the past or future. Taking deep breaths, exercising, and meditation sessions can certainly help achieve this goal. When it comes to personal or professional relationships, promote open and transparent communication.

So, take a deep breath and start your journey to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life.



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