Bad Habits in the Morning You Should Quit for a Productive Day


bad habits in the morning, woman sleeping on the desk

As the morning sun signals the start of a new day, it’s your cue to start a productive and successful day. But do you find it difficult to wake up early? Then it may mean that you have bad habits in the morning that you need to overcome.

What if I told you that you just need to make a few simple changes to your morning routine? That’s all you need to do in order to unlock a day of productivity, energy, and balance.

So, let’s dive in to explore how you can transform your mornings from sluggish to sensational.

Sleeping in

It’s early morning. You hear your morning alarm and you reach out to snooze it so you can enjoy a few extra minutes of precious sleep.

Sound familiar?

We’ve all been there, caught in the grip of bad morning habits that seem innocent but hold the power to shape your entire day. It’s okay to occasionally sleep in especially after you had a long week and couldn’t go to bed on time due to work or other responsibilities. But making it a habit ruins your health and causes a bad mood throughout the day.

So, try to overcome the habit of hitting the snooze button and sleeping in. It takes time, but you can become a morning person if you make it your goal.

man snoozing the morning alarm, sleeping in

Checking Your Phone First Thing in the Morning

What does your normal morning look like? Do you check emails, incoming messages, or social media notifications the moment you wake up? Then it’s time you understand the negative impacts of this activity.

By checking your phone right after waking up, you bombard your brain with information even before you are fully awake. This means you are starting your day on a bad note and may end up ruining the day.

Instead, stay away from your phone for half an hour or so after waking up. Similarly, don’t use your phone when you go to bed at night. You will notice its immense benefits on your health and mood.

Wasting Your Morning Energy

Among bad morning habits, another one is wasting morning energy.

When you wake up after enjoying quality sleep of 7-8 hours at night, your energy is at its peak. But if you waste this morning energy, you would deprive yourself of the chance to spend a productive day. So, make the most of your peak energy level and get important tasks out of the way. This will give you a sense of accomplishment.

Similarly, don’t waste your morning energy on unimportant tasks just because they seem easier. Otherwise, you would procrastinate.

Instead, focus on urgent and important tasks early in the day. Once they are out of the way, you can move to other tasks and get more work done throughout your workday.

cheerful woman smiling in bed, morning energy

Skipping Breakfast

If you don’t nourish your body at the start of the day, you won’t have the energy to focus on what you need to do. You won’t be able to spend a productive day and will end up overeating during lunch due to hunger pangs.

So, whether you like eggs, pancakes, cereals, or other breakfast options, make it a habit to have a healthy breakfast in the morning. A healthy meal that includes proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats is good for you. It maintains energy and gives you the motivation you need for a busy day.

Also, it’s not a good practice to consume too much processed sugar or junk food for your first meal of the day. And avoid consuming coffee or other caffeinated drinks before breakfast. You may think that you don’t need breakfast since a hot cup of coffee is enough to keep you awake. But in reality, it affects your health in the long run.

So, start your day with a glass of water. Then take a healthy breakfast with oatmeal, milk, yogurt, or eggs to get the energy to fuel your day.

healthy breakfast, traditional American breakfast with eggs

Not Getting Morning Sunlight

Another mistake or poor morning habit is not getting sunlight in the morning.

Natural light is good for your health and helps your body produce vitamin D. Sunlight exposure improves your health, lifts your mood, and improves sleep quality. So, enjoy a positive start to the day by getting morning sunlight.

Open window blinds or curtains right after waking up. It’s ideal to go outside for a walk or jog. Or you can also plan an exercise session in your yard or an indoor room that receives plenty of sunlight.

middle-aged man exercising in the morning, morning sunlight

Leaving Your Room Messy

A cluttered space affects your productivity and mood. If you work from home, you will struggle to focus on your job when working. Even if you leave home for work, leaving your room messy sets the wrong tone for the day.

So, take a few minutes to declutter your room in the morning. Start with making your bed. Then you can put your night clothes away, wash breakfast dishes, and do some cleaning.

This habit may seem boring. But it gives you a positive start for the day and reduces the stress that comes with clutter.

messy bedroom, cluttered room

Bad habits in the morning tend to ruin your overall well-being, resulting in a drop in productivity. So, take the first step towards self-improvement by getting over those bad morning habits.

Remember, change doesn’t happen overnight. But you can break free with consistency and determination. So, accept the challenge to become a morning person, adopt healthy morning habits, and embrace the possibilities that await you.



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