How to Build Self-Esteem for Success



believe in yourself, build self-esteem

I’m not good enough!

I will fail to perform well even if I start this task!

I can’t be my true self in front of others. Or else, they won’t like me!

Low self-esteem is the reason why you may have such negative thoughts. As a result, you think of yourself as unworthy or inadequate. But this isn’t the right way of living your life.

Holding on to negative experiences or trauma affects your confidence. Also, unrealistic expectations, internalized shame, or mental health conditions may be the reason why a person has low self-confidence. So, you need to build self-esteem to live a good life and achieve success.

First, let’s find out what is self-esteem and how to have better self-esteem for success.

What Do You Mean by Self-Esteem?

Self-esteem is your opinion of yourself. Your self-esteem may be high, low, or in-between depending on your thought process.

When you believe in yourself and are aware of your strengths and weaknesses, your self-esteem is high. It means you have a higher sense of security and don’t have critical doubts about your identity, lifestyle, or capabilities.

It’s natural to get doubtful about yourself at some point due to unfavorable circumstances. But with solid self-confidence, you can quickly overcome the negative phase.

How High Self-Esteem Improves Your Lifestyle

Did you know self-esteem and success have a direct relationship? The higher your self-esteem, the better you will perform at what you do. This will increase your chances of being successful in your professional as well as personal life.

success, successful person, happy person

  • It makes you open-minded. So, you are open to different points of view or perspectives
  • You understand yourself better
  • It helps you cope with challenges
  • You know when to stand up for yourself
  • Your work performance improves
  • Also, it improves your decision-making skills
  • Uncertainty doesn’t make you afraid
  • It’s a driving factor to keep you motivated
  • It improves your physical and mental health
  • You can build healthy, strong, and lasting relationships

How to Build Self-Esteem? Effective Tips

Developing self-esteem may seem impossible when your self-esteem is low. But don’t get into a negative spiral. We can help you regain your confidence and boost your self-esteem.

Let’s check out some tips that will help you along the journey:

o   Learn to Say No

Do you find it difficult to say NO to people? Then it can be a sign of low self-esteem.

You like to please others so much so that it burdens you. This is why you need to learn how to say No. It can reduce stress too.

Refusing to do something isn’t a wrong thing. It means your plate is already full. So, saying yes to additional work will only make you overwhelmed and stressed.

Prioritize yourself and set boundaries. This will add balance to your life.

o   Recognize Your Positive and Negative Traits

No one is perfect. It’s okay to have certain shortcomings. So, learn to accept the positive and negative aspects of your personality and move on.

Try to Focus on positive thoughts and think about your strengths. Take a moment to think about what you’re good at.

For instance, you may be a talented artist. You may be good at solving mathematical problems or cooking delicious cuisines. So, engage in what you’re good at. This will uplift your spirit and help you leave behind your negative thoughts.

I can do it, positive mindset

o   Don’t Beat Yourself Up for Past Mistakes

Work hard to become a better version of yourself. But be kind to yourself as well.

Learn to let go of your past mistakes. And forgive yourself. Yes, you might have messed up big time. But what now? What good would it do to keep blaming yourself? Rather, focus on what you can change now.

So, think about the next step. Learn from your mistakes and apply the lessons moving ahead. Then nothing would be able to stop you from achieving your goals!

o   Practice Positive Affirmations

Negative thoughts ruin your mental peace. When you focus on negativities too much, then you may become pessimistic. As a result, you’d end up losing the will to put in the effort regardless of what you’re doing.

So, be conscious of such harmful thoughts. A great way to overcome this negative mindset is through positive affirmations.

Here are some positive affirmations you can repeat to build self-esteem:

  • I am complete and capable
  • I’m loved
  • I woke up motivated
  • I can be whatever I want
  • I’m driven by my future, not my past
  • I’m working hard to become a better person
  • I have made mistakes, but I’m ready to grow past them
  • Today, I’m ready for success, peace, and joy

o   Challenge Yourself with Realistic Goals

Staying in your comfort zone hinders growth. So, develop a growth mindset and challenge yourself.

When creating goals, make sure they are challenging. But they should be realistic too. As long as they are achievable with effort, they will bring you a sense of achievement. You may want to learn a new skill or finish tasks you struggle with.

If you fail, it’s okay. After all, failure is success in progress! Regain your strength and keep working until you achieve your goals.

setting goals, sticky notes

o   Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Always celebrate your accomplishments. Regardless of how big or small they are, they would bring you joy.

Got up and out of the bed on your first alarm? Helped out others? Made someone happy? Made it through a day despite several challenges? Learned something new?

These accomplishments may seem small. But they are all worth celebrating.

o   Find Help

It’s okay to ask for help when you can’t find the way out. Stay in touch with people you’re close to and those who understand you. They can be your family, friends, or people you trust.

Talk to them about what makes you anxious and spend quality time with them. Also, distance yourself from toxic relationships and people who make you miserable by only pointing out your mistakes. But first, talk to them about how their negative behavior is affecting you.

Healthy relationships can help you regain your confidence.


Constantly doubting yourself lowers your self-esteem. So, learn to trust yourself and understand your strengths. Try to make positive changes in your life. You will notice an improvement in your morale and will be driven to do better.


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