How to Increase Intrinsic Motivation as a Professional?


how to increase intrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation vs extrinsic motivation

Motivation is the major driving factor behind all our actions. This is why being motivated is important to achieve your goals. Now, this motivation can be of two major types: Intrinsic and Extrinsic.

Intrinsic motivation happens from within and doesn’t involve external forces. You would do it because of the belief that it’ll bring you satisfaction or peace. So, it’s important to ask, how to increase intrinsic motivation.

On the other hand, extrinsic motivation comes from external factors. We do something either for the sake of potential benefits or the fear of failure. For instance, your friends may encourage you to perform a specific task. Or you may do it for approval and praise.

What is Intrinsic Motivation? Some Examples

This internal motivation is when you do something due to personal satisfaction. Instead of thinking about rewards or punishment, you do it at your will.

An example can be when you cook Christmas dinner for your loved ones. Or you may indulge in a hobby like painting since it brings you joy. Similarly, you may volunteer for a cause if helping others brings you joy. Playing sports with your friends because you find it fun is also an example.

It can help you with almost every aspect of your life. Whether it’s for your professional goals to achieve financial freedom or about your personal life, intrinsic motivation can help you move ahead in the right direction. This is why it’s important to build intrinsic motivation.

happy businesswoman, intrinsic motivation

How to Increase Intrinsic Motivation: Proven Methods

Extrinsic motivation isn’t enough to achieve success. So, what you need to do is to work on internally motivating yourself. This will benefit you in the long run.

1.      Keep Your Passions Alive

When you take up a new task, you may be passionate about fully indulging in that task. With time, it’s common to lose that level of passion. But do you want to be internally motivated? Then you need to remember the reason why you started the project in the first place.

So, know your passions and dreams and keep them alive. Think about the level of satisfaction and happiness it used to bring you earlier. Then work for your goals to achieve the same, or even higher, level of happiness.

2.      Think About Your Achievements

Intrinsic motivation means you’re inspired by internal reasons instead of external aspects. But still, you will get monetary or non-monetary benefits when you get results. Focus on the process instead of the results!

Now think about your past achievements. Recall how good it felt to win those achievements. What if I tell you that you can gain similar happiness and a sense of pride? It’s only possible by being motivated.

So, rebuild intrinsic motivation and start working to achieve your goals.

success, celebration, happy workplace

3.      Don’t Fall Prey to Laziness

Intrinsic motivation can come to you in many ways. It may motivate you to be a better person. It may encourage you to do more to achieve your professional goals. Or you may feel the urge to focus more on building healthy personal relationships.

When you experience this sudden urge and motivation, don’t let it get away. It’s easy to push these thoughts aside and think you will start working toward your goals at a later date. But now is the time to take that dreaded step.

You will reach your destination with mental strength, a positive mindset, and hard work.

4.      Do What’s Comfortable for You

Working toward your goals to become a millionaire is good. But overworking yourself is never a good idea. You will experience burnout and ruin your health.

Do you want to know how to increase intrinsic motivation the right way? Then do what you find comfortable.

Take breaks to restore energy. Then engage in activities that bring you joy and happiness. It can be a hobby such as reading a book or capturing pictures of the view outside your window. Or you may prefer to go out with a group of friends.

Once you have relaxed and feel rejuvenated, get back to what you need to do. You’ll be more motivated and will find it easier to work for your goals.

reading a book, woman and pet dog

5.      Your Health is of Vital Importance

When you’re unhealthy, you can’t focus on anything. Everything around you will irritate you. Similarly, giving up on meals without any reason is never a good idea. You can’t do much on an empty stomach.

So, take good care of your health – both physical and mental. Take healthy meals on time and stay hydrated with water, milk, and fresh juices. Exercise regularly and build a good sleep routine.

Further, don’t over-engage with social media. Mindlessly browsing through reels, videos, and social posts won’t only waste time but also affect your mental health. So, don’t spend too much time on social media. Instead, take up positive hobbies. It’ll benefit you in the long run!


Intrinsic motivation is the desire to do something that you enjoy due to the happiness it brings you. It arises from within and helps you achieve success.

Do you want to know how to increase intrinsic motivation? Then take into account our above-mentioned tips and get started on your journey to becoming a millionaire.



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