Negative Words to Avoid for Being Happy and Successful


negative words to avoid, phrases successful people avoid

The way you talk represents who you are as a person. Let’s take an example. You have two neighbors you see often. One of them is cheerful and has positive things to say when you meet them. The other one only criticizes others around them.

Which one would you want to meet? The first one, right?

Happy and successful people tend to have a positive outlook on life. And this reflects in their communication style. So, keep the same approach and build a positive mindset for success.

There are certain negative words to avoid in daily life. Let’s find out what these are and explore the best alternate options.

Phrases Successful People Don’t Use: And Neither Should You

So, what are some phrases successful people avoid? Let’s find out!

1.      It’s Not My Fault

You won’t see successful people playing the blame game. When something goes wrong, they accept failure. It doesn’t mean they have low self-esteem and believe they are incapable of doing things right. Rather, owning the problem helps them find solutions.

There may be some external factors that affect results. But successful people don’t blame those external factors. Instead, they prefer to be in control of the situation and find out how they can rectify the problem.

So, accept responsibility, find solutions, and move forward.

blame game, your fault or my fault

2.      I Can’t Do This / It’s Impossible

Declaring a task impossible can be the easy way out. But is it the right approach for long-term success?

When you think you can’t do something, you are limiting yourself. You’re telling yourself you’re incapable of performing a task. As a result, you lose the motivation to try and learn something new.

This is why these phrases are added to our list of negative words to avoid.

At times, a problem may seem impossible to solve. But maybe you need additional skills or resources to perform the task. So, believe in yourself and think of alternate solutions.

3.      This is How It’s Always Done

Keeping traditions alive is certainly good. But that’s not the case in the business world. You can’t stay in the past if you want to be successful. Thus, it’s important to change with time and adopt innovation.

Businesses that ignore futuristic needs get lost in the past. The examples of Nokia and Blockbuster are in front of our eyes. The idea behind Google was also innovative and its biggest competitor Yahoo! Search almost went out of business since it didn’t innovate.

Now another latest revolution in the tech world is the AI industry. With AI tools such as ChatGPT, the tech giant Google may worry about their future.

So, when someone presents an innovative idea, don’t reject it on the basis that it’s not how things were done in the past. Your personal brand can grow through innovation.

innovation, idea, think outside the box, words successful people use

4.      Your Idea is Absurd

Shutting down the ideas of others is never a good idea. Usually, people who are jealous of others ignore ideas by others. It indicates the person is insecure and has low self-esteem.

So, don’t reject others’ ideas straight away. When someone presents an idea, think about it. Don’t just take it at the face value and explore different possibilities. Maybe it’s not a viable solution for now, but can prove useful in another scenario in the future.

Have you ever tuned in to an episode of Shark Tank? It’s an entertainment program, but innovators and investors work in a business environment.

When a contestant presents their product, investors ask questions. They aim to get a better understanding of the business idea before deciding whether they should invest. So, you can learn from them to be successful.

5.      I Wish I Did This

Success and happiness come from taking action. And when you take action, it can either prove effective in reaching your target. Or it can sometimes fail to get the desired results. In that case, you can treat it as a learning lesson.

Therefore, you won’t see successful people regret their decisions. They carefully strategize before taking an action. And regardless of the results, they don’t regret their past choices.

So, remove phrases such as “I wish I did that” or “I could have done it another way” from your vocabulary. What’s happened, happened in the past. Learn from the experience and move on.

regret, unhappy employee

6.      That’s Not My Job

This is not my job!

That’s not my responsibility!

I don’t get paid enough for this!

Someone else can do this. Why should I do that?

These phrases suggest you don’t have the motivation to learn and grow. What you need is a can-do attitude.

Whether you are a business owner or an employed professional, be ready to take initiative. A positive mindset helps you learn new skills and take on new roles. As a result, you can progress in your career.

But keep in mind you shouldn’t let others take advantage of you. Say yes to challenging tasks only if you have enough time and aren’t too busy with other important tasks.

7.      That’s Really Unfair

Your competitor business won the project bid, you didn’t. A friend went on a vacation, but you couldn’t afford to go. Your subordinate got a promotion, you are still stuck with the same title.

Regardless of the case, don’t overthink and blame others. After all, life isn’t always fair.

Stop being envious of others. Congratulate them on their success and keep pushing. You will eventually achieve your goals too.

unfair, unbalanced weights

8.      I Think

Phrases such as I think or as far as I know give the impression that you don’t know what you’re talking about. The listener may think you don’t have information about the discussion topic and are trying to find a way out.

So, be assertive. When you aren’t sure about something, you can say, “I don’t have data to answer this question. I’ll get back to you after consulting my team.”


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How many of these phrases do you use in your conversations?

Toxic words and phrases are neither good for your reputation nor your career. So, remember our list of negative words to avoid and you can improve your communication skills. Further, it can promote a positive mindset that can lead you to success and happiness.

Patrick Alain compiled a book of phrases that will definitely serve the purpose. “The Leader Phrase Book: 3,000+ Powerful Phrases That Put You in Command” is an interesting read.

A management leader and developer of popular games such as GTA, the author conducted thorough research on how effective leaders communicate. Read the 192-page book of helpful phrases to build your path to success.



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