Top Smart Passive Income Ideas for 2024


multiple sources of income, multiple streams of income


Do you get inspired by self-made millionaires and billionaires? If you observe their lifestyle, you’ll notice they all have one thing in common; they have multiple sources of income.

The purpose of having multiple income sources isn’t to get rich quickly. But it helps you build generational wealth and have a stable income in the long run. When you have money coming in from different directions, you can be at ease.

If one of these sources discontinues, you won’t have to worry about cash inflow. Instead, you can rely on other sources to cover expenses. Further, it helps you deal with inflation effects by increasing your income.

So, do you want to know how to create multiple sources of passive income? Let’s get started and learn about the top smart passive income ideas!

Get the Best Smart Passive Income ideas

Invest in the Stock Market

Finance experts suggest investing in the stock market to build your investment portfolio. We would suggest you do the same. Get stocks, mutual funds, and bonds.

61% of Americans own stocks in public companies. In 2023, the stocks of companies operating in the technology, healthcare, and energy sectors were among the fastest-growing ones.

There are two ways to generate income from stocks: dividends and selling them for a profit.

You can buy stocks of companies with the potential to perform well down the road. Then you can sell them when the prices go up. Or you can receive dividends when the company starts making profits and shares its profits with shareholders.

For this strategy to succeed, you need to understand the financial market. So, do your research and learn about the ins and outs of the stock market. Also, follow reliable experts for their tips about stocks and bonds.

Also, you’d need a strategy to ensure success as a stock market investor. So, set long-term and short-term goals and start from there.

Real Estate is Always a Profitable Option

Are you interested in learning how to create multiple streams of income in your 20s? Then we suggest you look into real estate. It’s a profitable option for long-term investments. Property values preserve the value of your money and their prices go up with time.

Whether it’s a residential or commercial property, you can rent it out. Hire a property manager to take care of the property and tenants and you will have rental income coming in. You can also opt for real estate syndications or crowdfunding to invest in properties.

You may be worried about the real estate market crash. But don’t worry, a market crash doesn’t happen frequently. The last time it happened was in 2006. And when you treat it as a long-term investment, you can easily recover from its impacts.

how to create multiple sources of passive income, real estate investment

Generate Income from a Product

Looking for some passive income ideas in 2024 for beginners? The most effective way to build multiple sources of income is to sell a product. Here are a few options you can try out:

Become an Author

Do you have creative germs? Then how about writing a book?

You can write a memoir or a book about your experiences. If you are a subject expert or an experienced professional, you can come up with an informative book for readers. Or writing a storybook for kids may interest you.

Now, either contact a publisher to publish your creation or self-publish it online. If you go with the former option, you will receive royalties for each book sold.

As for the self-publishing option, you will have to manage everything. This includes writing, editing, designing, publishing, and promoting. But you can keep profits from selling the book.

Regardless of the topic and publishing method of your book, you should aim to write something of value that people would want to read.

Sell Online Courses

You can also create an online course for learners. Share your knowledge with others and make money during the process.

Creating a course may seem challenging. But there are free and paid tools available that can make the task easier. For instance, you can consult the following options:

Upload your courses on platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, Skillshare, or Payhip and promote them to maximize profits.

Sell Value-Adding Resources

Creating a digital tool or software is a great option for tech people. The more value it adds to others, the more your product will sell. So, focus on adding value to your target customers. This is the key to becoming financially successful.

Support Small Businesses

Look around you in the community. Many entrepreneurs may be looking for investments to support their operations and grow their small businesses. You can build one of the best multiple streams of income by becoming a partner or investor.

But first, you need to identify businesses with potential. For this purpose, analyze their business idea, team, and operations plan. You can learn the process by following experienced investors as well as with your own trial-and-error method.

Before signing the contract, make sure you discuss the details and get the agreement terms in writing. Then you can earn passive income without unnecessary legal issues.

Explore Online Earning Options

Creating multiple income sources is the need of the hour. You can’t rely on a single paycheck if you truly want to become a millionaire.

One way to do this is by looking for online earning options. But beware of scammers in the digital space. Be cautious and don’t fall prey to scammers.

Start a YouTube Channel

YouTube channel, mobile video recording

Launching a YouTube channel may be easy. But what’s difficult is to build an audience and monetize your channel.

So, start by choosing a topic you have good knowledge about. If you’re a tradesperson, you can share your knowledge and promote your services via this channel. Then do some research to determine whether the topic attracts significant traffic. Then name your channel and you are good to go.

You can create interesting videos and post them on your channel. You’d need to optimize your channel and content for SEO to increase the visibility of videos.

To monetize your channel, you have a few options. Run ads on videos or become an affiliate marketer. As video views increase, other businesses may contact you to promote their brand for a fixed income or on a commission basis.

Blogging and Affiliate Marketing

Just like a YouTube channel, starting a blog can also help you generate income. So, get started with this side hustle.

Regularly creating informative content for your blog and promoting it takes time. But the rewards are worth your time and effort. So, try to be patient and consistent.

You can also turn to affiliate marketing. Sign up with a program such as Udemy Affiliate Program, Amazon Associates Program, or ClickBank. Then you can promote products and earn a commission when a customer buys through your link.

Start a Podcast

Did you subscribe to our Millionaire by Morning podcast?

The podcast helps us build an audience. We arrange interviews with exceptional people doing great in their respective industries. And we share information with our audience via the podcast.

You can also take the same approach to create multiple sources of income.

With a podcast that adds value to listeners, you can capture attention. Then as the podcast grows, you are likely to get sponsorship deals from big brands.

Take Paid Surveys

Another way to generate income in your spare time is through online sites that pay you for taking surveys. Such sites ask questions about a specific topic and reward you for every completed survey.

For instance, a company may upload a survey on the platform for market research. You can go to the survey and fill out the form with your answers. This helps the brand collect data to improve its market position. And you get rewards in the form of cash or gift cards.

Check out these genuine sites that offer paid surveys:

You can also look for websites that offer payments for product reviews. Such platforms connect people with small businesses.

Once you get registered, they send you products for testing. You have to use the product and share your feedback. Not only would you get paid for an honest review, but may also get the chance to keep the product.

Flip Products for a Profit

You can flip products for making profits. But keep in mind this task can be time-consuming.

You need to hustle to look for reliable product sources and negotiate a good deal. Visiting a thrift store or looking for used products on eBay or Facebook Marketplace can help you with your search.

It can be any useful item such as furniture, machinery, vehicle, or household items. Then you may end up spending some time or money to improve its condition and appearance. Now you are ready to sell it to cover the cost and make a profit.

Top Smart Passive Income Ideas: Rent Out Space

Do you have a yard? Then you can rent it out for small events.

rental income, how to create multiple streams of income in your 20s

Or is there a spare residential room in your house? How about renting it out to guests? You can advertise it online in community groups or register with Airbnb.

If you own a commercial building or office, then you can rent out extra space. It can be a good idea to offer shared space to renters.

Freelancers and many hybrid businesses usually work remotely. But they need space for meetings or a few in-office days. You can attract them with this business plan. Offer different rental plans for your furnished space and charge a fee.

Another good idea would be to utilize your extra parking space.

Do you own an authorized parking space near your residence or office? You may notice people struggling to find a parking spot during rush hours. Help them out by letting them rent the spot. And you can make profits too.

But when planning to rent out any space, make sure you check local laws. Abide by the law and start a side hustle while complying with legalities.

Buy Cryptocurrency

When it comes to creating multiple streams of income, you can’t miss cryptocurrency. It’s the money of the present and future. Investing in crypto can help you build a profitable portfolio in the long run. So, dive into the world of digital currency without further delay.

Explore the ups and downs of the crypto world. Learn from expert advice and do some learning on your own. With this effort, you can better understand the market. Then you can invest in cryptocurrencies that are likely to do well.

The road can be difficult, but you can master crypto investment with research, a good strategy, and long-term plans.



Creating multiple sources of income is the stepping stone for building generational wealth. You can have a relaxed lifestyle and stay away from worries about finances. Even if you lose your job, you won’t panic. In fact, you can plan to retire early. So, you can benefit from the above top smart passive income ideas and create multiple income streams.

If you run a business, then multiple income streams are important for you as well. What if your business experiences losses due to unforeseen circumstances? For example, there may be a workforce shortage or product demand goes down. Then you will have income from alternative resources to keep your business afloat.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with your journey today and start a side hustle. You can enjoy financial freedom and go on vacations with your loved ones without worrying about money.